Someday Sketchbook #2: Winter 2023 art drop

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Here’s some stuff I was working on over the winter

Costume designs for a fairly grimdark bug themed stage play I’d like to work on at some point. Alma, and her father The Lord of the Moths Paragon. It’s been fun thinking about what sort of clothes could imply the vibe of various insects on a budget.

Some art of Blue and Casey from my forever upcoming radio play. I think I’ve finally pinned down some fairly consistent models for them.

Fanart of the TTRPG Wildsea, designed by Felix Isaacs and published by Mythopoeia, of a ship cutting its way through the canopy of the titular forest. I backed this on kickstarter back in the day and kinda wanted to make something about it to share how cool I think the setting is. Dense Foliage is rather intense to paint in detail so this took a while to work on.


This stuff was nice to work on. Til next time,
