Creative writing

Autumn on Mars An incomplete webnovel about 2 sisters on Mars going on an adventure, and their dad panicking about it. somewhat inspired by books I read as a kid.

The Short Way to Paradise A short story about refusing to accept that we are alone in the universe.

The Lonely Pharoh A short poem inspired by learning of the fact that

Captain Dauntless on the Planet Earth A Radio Play script.


Sensory: Life on the Spectrum. Announcement of the Sensory: Life on the Spectrum Publishing Deal

Reasons to Explore An article on procgen in games.

Arrakis Campaign Index A Collection of posts detailing the developmenta D&D module I’d designed and wanted to run back in University, including a PDF of the completed module outline.

And here we go back into my wasted teenage years as someone who made crap reviews for things.

Letters from Pegasus A somewhat ameteurish series of reviews of the first 2 1/2 seasons of Stargate Atlantis before it got pulled from netflix. Features atrocious MSPaint art on the title page.

Review Category Feed All of my “reviews” from around the time I started sixth form up to some point through my first year full of uni. None of these are great.