Hey, wanted a character based episode? Well this one’s ok at that.
The Teaser:
The tracey boys have spent the last week doing exciting adventures, sadly we don’t get to see those. We do however get to see everyone land which is neat, if pointless.
The Episode:
And now there’s another adventure, yay, the aroura generator, a generator that uses the aroura borealis to generate energy (I suspect that it’s also pretty useless), is ‘splode. Scott and virgil fly out so save it with MAX (brains’ robot spider buddy/surrogate son) in tank treads. They can’t land near it because though the thunderbirds have mechanical controls their guidance systems aren’t EM shielded. So they try to ice-pod vehicle to it. also scott is feeling reckless today, why? Well apparently meeting Captain Lee “callback joke” Taylor reminded him that jeff’s gone, and apparently scott failed to save jeff so now he’s trying to hardcore parkour rescue people. Several hours later MAX saves the day by spidermanning a doofer onto a thing and then ‘splodeing. But it’s ok as his computer box is EM shielded and they make him a new body.
Final Thoughts:
Look It’s nice that we get a character episode addressing how they deal with jeff MIA but can it be more than just the tracey boys yelling quickly at each other in a tent and have longer lasting effects than in one episode?

Often Wrong could never tell Max and Kayo apart, although it’s pretty clear which one he gave the emotion chip.