
A collection of all my articles and stories (coming soon)


A page for my games and simulation projects. (coming soon)

Panel 7: my name is… my name is… oh wait

Panel_6____back to archive____Panel_8 so yeah the idea behind this is that when they try to say their names or refer to them indirectly that the universe just says nope. i think the effect i was going for was tempoary larynx paralasis. has anyone else noticed that little black bar at the bottom, it’s really bugging

Panel 6: and now it looks like a chinse dragon dog

Panel_5____back to archive____Panel_7 would it surprise you to learn that now they’re speaking not thinking as indicated by a minor opacity rise ding dong: yet another reason that this set of comics need redoing. side note: the girl’s… i really have no idea what it’s called but the light blue dress/tshirt thing. that was originally

Geek pride? what?

so apparently today is “geek pride”? yeah i dunno, i have no pride or shame, or at least don’t listen to them over general paranoia. also it’s apprently towel day too, i prefer that name. it just seems less of a “selfie” bullcrap term to me. even if towels are inferior to bath sheets. weirdly

The restless scroll 1 title card: day one indeed

no earlier page____back to archive____Panel 1 The Restless is a fantasy-esque webcomic about the adventures of… our protagonists, what did you expect spoilers on the first page? OK fine i’ll tell you their names, Ted Prefect and Clueless Hasn’tGotASurnameYet, written from the position of the former’s journals of the events. Our heroes wake up in