By using this forum you agree to follow the following (non exhaustive) list of rules:
- You must be 14 years of age or over to post here.
- Do not harass other users, or the moderators.
- In case this needed elaborating on: Hate Speech will get you banned instantly, you have been warned.
- Keep things PG-13. As a general rule, swearing is fine, slurs are not, and please refrain from bringing up NSFW topics unsolicited or posting art depicting explict or gory materials.
- When creating a topic, consider marking it with CW/TWs for any content users may find disturbing or potentially triggering.
- You must not pass off others’ art as your own, plagiarism is a bannable offense. All AI generated art must be marked as such when shared. You can post commissioned art, but please include the name of the artist and links to their socials.
- You may share comission sheets or advertisements to your personal store pages on site, but it is highly advised you share them only within your profile, signature, or the Shameless Self-Promotion board. Advertising under other user’s posts without prompt, or spamming up the Shameless Self-Promotion board with many posts in a short time may lead to bans.
- Under no circumstances are you allowed to negotiate prices or payment for art on the site. Please handle this off-site via DMs on other social media or via forms, email, etc. You may still post prices on comission sheets, and discuss whether or not you want to change your pricing.
- The advertisment of Non-Fungiable Tokens is prohibited.
- The harvesting of images from this forum (and the site in general) for use in AI art generators is prohibited.
As noted, this list is non-exhaustive and the moderation team reserves the rights to change these rules as well as ban members at their discretion should the need arise
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General discussion board. Share your thoughts on site content or talk about things with other users. Remember: Be nice!
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- 2 years, 3 months ago
Share your creations
For submitting externally hosted fanart and original creations to the site. Make sure to submit your posts following the rules.
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