The Lonely Pharaoh. At the end of a path not yet travelled, on a day not yet reached, a familiar man stands below an unfamiliar sky. Though he is our child, we are not his parents, only those who ushered his voyage into the afterlife with coins to pay his passage. And yet, and yet
Early responses to the brave pioneers of the Rhode Space Program were mixed. Some thought they were fools, to others they were a nicely entertaining fad. There were a few hopeful fans though.
With every launch hopes soared with the rockets. Few became many, and with them came respect from the Corporations. C7, Rockomax, Tetragon. Once the ball got rolling, it seemed that nothing could stop them..
In our last episode, the nascent Rhode space program took their first steps towards reclaiming Kerbalkind’s place in the stars. Today however the space program has a new, much loftier goal. To visit Rhode’s small second moon Armstrong with sturdy robotic probes.
Long ago, around a distant star, there once lived a people called the Kerbals. These Kerbals were a curious people, and dutifully watched the planets around their star dance around the sky in a state of glee and wonder. But, of course, all things must come to an end and eventually their star exploded, killing them all.
In a moment of pity, the almighty Krakens that be took a small group of Kerbals to a new star, and to a new planet “Rhode” so that once again they could watch the stars above in peace.
Long ago the Kerbals fled their dying home system to a new system. The Tempus System, a binary star system with two stars, Destiny and Fate. Unfortunately during the colonisation efforts Kerbal society has kind of stepped backwards into the pre-space age, with many believing that the idea of Kerbalkind ever having had the power to travel the stars being lunacy at best. In defiance of this an intrepid group of rocket enthusiasts have begun a new space program, in hopes of reclaiming what once was Kerbalkind’s greatest achievement.
Welcome to! A whole new domain for the preexisting blog of matt, performed entirely for the sake of including hover-over text. Everything ought to have moved over properly, for better or for worse, but if you find any broken pages, Please comment below or email me at [email protected]. I will however not be updating
Yeah… Sorry about Thursday. It’s just a lot of uni stuff happening right now. If at all possible the next two chapters will come out on Saturday and Sunday, but that’s not a certainty, with the degree show coming up so… See you when I see you.
I’m really sorry y’all but i’m swamped with uni work at the moment, so Mika’s chapter for this week is moving to Thursday morning after i’m done with my work. Thanks for understanding -Matt.
For one of my Modules this semester i had to produce a 3d game in Unity, and it ended up turning out pretty good. It’s a 3rd person space sim where you have to complete various missions: Delivery, Mining, Fighting space whales, etc. to earn credits to buy upgrades to install on your ship. Oddly
Paper 2 involves me improving on the model that last paper’s model was one, with textures and shtuff. – Here is my modification of the original desing. i’ve added banding around the hull areas, engine bells and ullage motors. And here it is with naccele banding. For some reason WordPress makes things orange… TO BE
Last Time on Assignment 1 Log: i detailed the majority of the modelling process and ran into an issue with file saving. And now the conclusion. After going over to the university’s labs i was relieved to find that saving worked. the lighting i had set up in Arnold didn’t work so well in MentalRay:
Working on the 1st assignment of my Introduction to 3D Animation course and i’m required to write a blog post detailing “key stages in production”, which is usually a problem for me because i tend to neglect screenshotting things as i make them, mainly because there’s no practical reason for doing that and it eats