Captain Dauntless on The Planet Earth!: An Original Science Fiction/Meta Comedy Radio Play
In a distant future where humans have been driven from the earth, one brave lunar citizen returns to our overgrown, alien-ruled homeworld on a reconissance mission. After an act of sabotage leaves him trapped on the surface, the gallant Captain Dauntless must tackle lizardmen, liase with gorillas and even come face to face with the alien occupiers themselves to escape safely back to the moon.

Captain Dauntless was a radio play I developed in conjunction with Medway Little Theatre, it’s an idea I came up with during the pandemic, forgot about and then dug up last summer when announcements for the Kent Drama Association‘s Radio Play Festival were sent out. It’s presented as a weekly serial radio series created by the propaganda ministry of a government ruling the moon, with the adventures of Captain Dauntless taking place in an extension of their reality rather than being purely fictional as it would be to us. A post from earlier this month containing the script can be found here.