She’s Leaving Home | KSP Beyond Home Part 1| Reclaimer Program
Long ago, around a distant star, there once lived a people called the Kerbals. These Kerbals were a curious people, and dutifully watched the planets around their star dance around the sky in a state of glee and wonder. But, of course, all things must come to an end and eventually their star exploded, killing them all.
In a moment of pity, the almighty Krakens that be took a small group of Kerbals to a new star, and to a new planet “Rhode” so that once again they could watch the stars above in peace.
Or so it is Believed…

Welcome to Kerbal Space Program: She’s Leaving Home, a Career Mode Screenshot Let’s Play of Gameslinx’s Beyond Home planet pack.
Long ago the Kerbals fled their dying home system to a new system. The Tempus System, a binary star system with two stars, Destiny and Fate. Unfortunately during the colonisation efforts Kerbal society has kind of stepped backwards into the pre-space age, with many believing that the idea of Kerbalkind ever having had the power to travel the stars being lunacy at best.
In defiance of this an intrepid group of rocket enthusiasts have begun a new space program, in hopes of reclaiming what once was Kerbalkind’s greatest achievement.