Panel 8____back to archive____Panel_10 is this real? you’ll have to read to find out. quick tip guys, people who live in societies that use wattle and daub (straw and horsepat) are unlikely to know that much about space.
Panel_7____back to archive____Panel 9 this system seems somewhat broken. fortunately i have since decided that raw magiking should require much concentrating. and that there will be another way.
Panel 4____back to archive____Panel 6 the written language barrier. in the immortal words of jesse cox, well not immortal but i’m listing to cox n’ crendor in the early morning while uploading, “that’ll be fun”. and he was talking about something completely different.
first of all i’d like to make a correction to an earlier rant: thunderbird 5, at least in the original series, is described as being in geostationary orbit above the pacific ocean, Tracy island however is descibed as being in the south pacific ocean, geostationary orbits can only happen over the equator and you need
i’ve been doing these TBAG reviews for quite a while now, and yes it is still funny that it’s initials are TeaBAG. in, conspiracy theory: fact Gerry Anderson might have deliberately snuck that little easter egg catchphrase in deliberately! anyway i’ve been reviewing it for a while now and scrutinising over all the bad
Panel_3____back to archive____Panel 5 don’t # with the interstellar heritage trust, and give them their damn car park charge. which they will use to preserve the earth for 4 billion years in episode 2 of new who.
Panel_2____back to archive____Panel 4 gonna be honest, i’ve haven’t had the chance to watch Stargate Atlantis yet, but for some reason i misremembered “genii” as “tollan” after a wiki binge, digimon and pokemon used to be seperate things but then mega-evolutions happened… and they kinda suck as at least digimon needed food to digivolve and
Panel_1____back to archive____Panel_3 gonna be honest, not the best advice and it’ll probably cause you to breakdown later but ted’s not the brightest psychologist rightfully interned at arkham. he is however much saner than dr quinzell, so there’s that.