A collection of all my articles and stories (coming soon)
Welcome back to WebUrbEx my Godot project where you explore the retro internet. Web Browsers: you’re probably using one right now. “The Internet Button”. Mostly Chromium. Whatever you want to think about them, Web Browsers are inherent to how we experience sites on the internet, and because of that the UI of WebUrbEx needs to
Welcome back to WebUrbEx my Godot project where you explore the retro internet. One of the hallmarks of old websites is how colourful they are. Be it zany background colours, images, gifs of dancing skeletons, etc. So before releasing WebUrbEx I wanted to get in on at least some of that action. Although quick side
Welcome back to WebUrbEx my Godot project where you explore the retro internet. So I’ve got all of these decidedly unfancy websites but the only way to access them is me manually adding them to the Bookmarks tab at the top. This isn’t particularly scalable, or moddable. Let’s see how we can change that. So
Welcome back to WebUrbEX my Godot project where you explore the retro internet. If you’ll remember, last time my game looked like this: Well, now it looks like this: I mean… now that I put them side by side, not that impressive a leap. Aesthetically, almost good for web1.0 feels but with some bits of
I’ve been feeling a bit down art-wise so I decided to just put together a bunch of fanart based on some of my friends’ characters with whatever fun ideas I could come up with.
Fantastic album art provided by @Seijidraws. Over autumn of 2023 I worked with some incredibly talented people over at the Medway Little Theatre to produce an amateur radio play for a competition, the Kent Drama Association’s Radio Play Festival. While we’re stll awaiting ajudication I do not believe I am able to share the finished
Like with the last couple years I’ve been participating in the Autistic Creative Festival. here’s a quick rundown of the stuff I’ve been involved in so far Autistic Comic Takeover – Incredible People w/ Johan This year I, with the help of the incredible artist Johan (@deathamaranth on twitter & ko-fi) put together a comic